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Update 11/24/2012 Just completed the Claim Form re: The BofA Credit Protection Marketing ans Sales Practices Litigation. The letter I received says that the Defendant's records indicate that I may be a member of the Settlement Class because I was enrolled in the program at some time between January 1, 2006 and July 17, 2012. So, it looks as if BofA has been forced to turn over the names of all of the participants in the Credit Protection program. If you haven't received this notice that you are included in the settlement (either a letter or a postcard), you should write or call the Settlement Administrator at P.O. Box 8060, San Rafael, CA 94912-8060 or call(888) 213-5294. You can also go to www.creditprotectionsettlement.com. It's worth at least $50.00, maybe $100.00 for your time
about he same as yours
Hello Everyone, I'm so glad I found this webpage. It helped me convince myself that I wasn't insane/irresponsible. Hopefully, others can benefit from my experience. I had been noticing for some time, that my BOA credit card balance simply wasn't decreasing despite me dutifully making more than the minimum payments for what seems like forever. I finally caught the 'credit protection plus' charges on my statement, and found it to have gone back as far as Jan 2010. Long story short, a quick google search led me to this page. I was ready to file a complaint with the Dept of Treasury...but first I called them up. The agent's tone became apologetic and self-incriminatory as soon as I told him that I had no recollection of enrolling willingly into the plan. He started with the usual story, telling me that I had willingly purchased the service back in Dec '09. In what sounded like attempts which he himself knew were futile, he attempted to persuade me to keep the service, then informed me that they cannot issue a refund. I hadn't even started sounding irate yet when he quickly asked me if I had moved recently (I did move 3 months ago, and he must have seen it in his system), and immediately offered me the option of filing for a Life Event benefit. Basically, the plan will make your minimum payments for you if you move or lose your job. Since I had moved, I can claim the minimum payments on my credit card for the last 3 months, plus the amounts paid towards the plan. This comes to a total of $720 (as opposed to the $910 I've lost in their fees since Jan '10 + the interest charged on every fees they levied). So I'm still losing a couple hundred dollars. But I'll take it. There's a small measure of poetic justice in making them pay out using the very service that they pulled me into without my consent. Anyway, this isn't the perfect solution, but it's 'A' solution which some of you may be able to use to your benefit. Good luck! Regards, Shar.
2011-01-18 | Full Credit Received for $757 of Credit Protection Plus fruadulent charges
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