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Update 11/24/2012 Just completed the Claim Form re: The BofA Credit Protection Marketing ans Sales Practices Litigation. The letter I received says that the Defendant's records indicate that I may be a member of the Settlement Class because I was enrolled in the program at some time between January 1, 2006 and July 17, 2012. So, it looks as if BofA has been forced to turn over the names of all of the participants in the Credit Protection program. If you haven't received this notice that you are included in the settlement (either a letter or a postcard), you should write or call the Settlement Administrator at P.O. Box 8060, San Rafael, CA 94912-8060 or call(888) 213-5294. You can also go to www.creditprotectionsettlement.com. It's worth at least $50.00, maybe $100.00 for your time